Thursday 9 February 2012


Working from the premise that some advertising objectifies the woman’s form, or turns a woman into an object. I thought I would start with trying to make a jug ‘sexy’
A bit like they do with cars in adverts. Above is an attempt at my ‘sexy’ object.

Some notebook doodling, trying to get some copy ideas.
‘A jug is an object. A woman is not an object…’ etc.
Also looking at what objectify signifies from a feminist perspective.

Trying to combine words used by feminists in relation to objectify, the jug alone is a bit surreal so I am bringing in the female form a bit to explain what we are talking about (but by doing this does it make us as guilty as the advertisers that are using the female form? Am I creating a ‘jug James Bond?’)

The beer or whisky in the adverts we are uneasy about is normally quite small & placed in the bottom right hand corner. I feel there would be more point & justification if the female form replaced the product.

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