Wednesday 15 February 2012

Ryanair Two

As I previously posted Ryanair are all over the press today because of their sexist poster campaign, I don't know if we can use it in some way to make our work a bit topical? I will look into Ryanair as regards statistics & see if there have been any previous sexist problems.

Could we do a racist leprechaun calendar (Ryanair being Irish) to highlight the inappropriate nature of what Ryanair tried to do? Some animation sketches might be nice?  

Budget airline Ryanair has landed in hot water over a "sexist" advertising campaign featuring a scantily-clad model.

The promotion, which ran with the slogan "Red Hot Fares & Crew", has been rapped by theAdvertising Standards Authority (ASA) after it sparked a string of complaints.

One flight attendant claimed it portrayed cabin crew as glamour models.
Thousands of people backed calls for the adverts to be scrapped and the ASA concluded the campaign was likely to cause "widespread offence".
It said one image, entitled "Ornella February", which showed a model pulling down the top of her pants with a thumb, was particularly "sexually suggestive".

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